兩天沒睡了... -____- 好累....
今天早差點瞎掉...剪指甲時一小片飛進了右眼...眼晶裏面!!!!! 真可帕!!!!而且好痛...下次不能忘了帶眼鏡啊!!!!... T___T
不知有沒有什麼東西寫錯? 好...練習寫中文!!!
Good lord! Really thought I was going to loose my right eye >< Just when I decided to cut my toenails ( for some reason... ) after not being able to sleep Wednesday night finishing my page for the day.... a piece of nail shrapnel flew right into my right eye... gawd was it painful! T___T.... I immediately wish it with lots of water 'til I got it out... as bad as it was, I controlled myself enough to not mess with it by not rubbing my finger around... it actually went inside my eyeball I think, as I can't find it right away.. and the water eventually got it out.. thankfully it didn't went far in... or else -__-
Be careful of the evil toenail!!!!.. Sigh... just when I did not have my glasses on.. for some reason it did not cross my mind that I don't have it on... sleepless is bad XD
My good friend Doris, who just celebrated her b-day, and who also co-owns the coffee shop I go to everyday... wrote an article about my daily life doing work in the coffee shop. She and her guy, Richard , are really close friends of mine now... lots of photos that they took can be seen hehe... not to mention artworks... : )

This Naginata was a gift from one of my best friends in LA. Douglas Tochioka. Very talented filmmaker, awesome friend! I can't get enough of his stressful stories on the many different jobs he took in his lifetime haha...
A big martial arts and weapon lover.. this guys knows so much about things that are used to bring pain and sufferings to others.. XD
I really don't know what to do with the Naginata.. but I like it a lot!!!

Playing around with the dodge tool in photoshop... not sure if this thing even look a bit decent... my version of the orange lantern... or was it red? XD

More sneak peak from the page I finished today... gawd.. these pages are taking so much out of me everyday!!! Hehe.. but man I love the work though! So can't complain... Greg delivering all the crazy stories definitely made sure I am 200% excited every time I start on it each day XD