哦.... 想一想,我在美國巳經度過四個夏天, 真快... 不知我家人的菲律賓夏天好不好?
記得七個夏天前我媽還不大想讓我從事漫畫業... 說當藝術家不能養活自己.. 說她是寫作的她了解...嘿嘿... 現在回去至少不用再聽到那些了 XD...
Man... It's been a long while since we last felt the heat here in the San Gabriel valleys... it was TOASTY today... actually even right now at 11pm it still is >< Boy, one long hot summer coming up!
Finally going to wrap up the last hard scene in tis issue of the book I am working on. The layout stage was the hardest. Especially since it was action/martial arts scene... the one I was talking about on my last post. Got Greg's approval on it so I'm happy! : ) Very satisfying at the end.. the difficulty only added to the challenge of getting the good stuff out there for you guys! And hey Greg taught me some very important lessons with visual storytelling. Especially about the moods and pacing of what is needed to be delivered in those pages... the "feel" it needs to establish... the little payoffs with each panel that adds up and forms the big one... he may not consciously say it but the process of going through that really made me learns many things.
Speaking of action stuff, thought about heading out to watch Forbidden Kingdom... big fan of Jackie and Jet... unfortunately needed to run some errands with my girlfriend... not to mention I have to go back and finish a little more work afterwards ... deadlines very close! Next week or the one after hopefully! I heard it's very entertaining! Who would have thought those 2 big action stars will ever work together?!

Only that thick one left before my girl took care of it Xd.. Man it looks even more disgusting in picture...

More face studies I did for Spectre.. really got to constantly get into the "feel" of the character's look...

Sneak peak from yesterday's page...
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